iPhone Email Setup - iOS 18

Updated Friday, November 22, 2024

Follow the steps below to add your AgentWebsite email account to the Mail app on your iphone on iOS 18.

To complete these steps, you will need your email address and password.

If you don't know your email password, see how to change your email password.

  1. Open Settings on your iPhone. Scroll down and tap Apps.
  2. Tap Mail.
  3. Tap Mail Accounts.
  4. Tap Add Account.
  5. Tap Other.
  6. Tap Add Mail Account.
  7. Enter the account details for the email you want to add, then tap Next to continue.

    1. Name: the name recipients will see when you send them an email
    2. Email: your complete email address
    3. Password: your email password
    4. Description: a name for the account on your device
  8. Select IMAP, enter the following server settings, and then tap Next:
    • Incoming mail server:

      • Host Name: imap.everyone.net

      • Username: Enter your complete email address

      • Password: Enter your email password

    • Outgoing mail server:

      • Host Name: smtp.everyone.net

      • Username: Enter your complete email address

      • Password: Enter your email password

  9. Wait a moment while the settings are verified.
  10. Make sure Notes syncing is off and the slider is grey. Tap Save to continue.
  11. Tap the account you added.
  12. Tap Account Settings.
  13. Tap Advanced.
  14. Tap each of the three settings below and select the following folders on the server. Then tap Back.
    • Drafts Mailbox: Select on the server > drafts
    • Sent Mailbox: Select on the server > sent-mail
    • Deleted Mailbox: Select on on the server > trash

  15. COngratulations! Your account is now set up on your iPhone.

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