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Christina, AgentWebsite Co-founder

Christina Cannell
AgentWebsite Co-founder

Cities served by this MLS Board:
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Adams Twp Addison Addison Twp Adrian Akron Alabaster Twp Albion Alcona Twp Alger Algonac Allen Park Allenton Almer Twp Almont Almont Twp Aloha Twp Alpena Anchor Bay Gardens Anchorville Ann Arbor Ann Arbor Twp Antrim Twp Applegate Arbela Twp Arcadia Twp Argentine Twp Argyle Twp Armada Armada Twp Ash Twp Atlanta Atlas Atlas Twp Attica Attica Twp Au Gres Au Sable Twp Auburn Auburn Heights Auburn Hills Augusta Twp Avoca Bad Axe Bancroft Bangor Twp Bannister Barton Hills Bath Twp Battle Creek Bay City Bay Port Bear Creek Twp Beaverton Beaverton Twp Bedford Twp Bellaire Belleville Bennington Twp Benton Harbor Benton Twp Berkley Berlin Berlin Twp Berville Beulah Beverly Hills Big Creek Twp Billings Twp Bingham Farms Bingham Twp Birch Beach Birch Run Birch Run Twp Birmingham Blackman Twp Blissfield Bloomfield Hills Bloomfield Twp Blumfield Twp Brandon Twp Brant Bridgehamton Twp Bridgeport Bridgeport Twp Brighton Brighton Twp Britton Brockway Twp Brooklyn Brown City Brownstown Brownstown Twp Bruce Bruce Crossing Bruce Twp Buel Twp Buena Vista Twp Bunker Hill Twp Burlington Twp Burns Twp Burnside Burnside Twp Burt Burtchville Burtchville Twp Burton Butman Twp Byron Cadillac Caledonia Twp Cambridge Twp Camden Canton Capac Carleton Caro Carsonville Casco Casco Twp Caseville Caseville Twp Cass City Cement City Center Line Central Lake Charlevoix Charlotte Cheboygan Chelsea Cherry Beach Station Chesaning Chester Twp Chesterfield Chesterfield Shores Chesterfield Twp Chestonia Twp China Twp Churchill Twp City Of Lapeer Clare Clarkston Clawson Clay Clay Twp Clayton Clayton Twp Clement Twp Clifford Clinton Clinton Twp Clinton Village Clio Clyde Clyde Twp Cohoctah Twp Colfax Twp Columbia Twp Columbiaville Columbus Columbus Twp Commerce Commerce Twp Conway Twp Corunna Cottrellville Cottrellville Twp Croswell Custer Twp Davisburg Davison Davison Twp Dayton Twp Dearborn Dearborn Heights Decker Deckerville Deerfield Deerfield Twp Deerfield Twp, Lapeer Deerfield Twp, Livingston Delaware Twp Delhi Twp Delta Co Delta Twp Denmark Twp Denton Twp Denver Twp Detroit Dexter Dexter Twp Drummond Island Drummond Island Twp Dryden Dryden Twp Dundee Dundee Twp Durand East China East China Twp East Lansing East Tawas Eastpointe Eaton Rapids Echo Twp Ecorse Elba Twp Elk Twp Elkton Ellington Twp Elmer Twp Elsie Emmett Emmett Twp Erie Erie Twp Essexville Estral Beach Eveline Twp Evergreen Twp Exeter Twp Fair Haven Fairhaven Twp Fargo Farmington Farmington Hills Farwell Fenton Fenton Twp Ferndale Flat Rock Flint Flint Twp Flushing Flushing Twp Flynn Flynn Twp Forest Twp Forester Forester Twp Forestville Fork Twp Fort Gratiot Fostoria Fowlerville Frankenmuth Frankenmuth Twp Frankfort Franklin Franklin Twp Fraser Frederic Freedom Twp Freeland Freeman Twp Fremont Twp Frenchtown Twp Frost Twp Gaines Gaines Twp Garden City Garfield Twp Gaylord Genesee Genesee Twp Genoa Genoa Twp Gibraltar Gladwin Glennie Gogebic Co Good Hart Goodells Goodland Twp Goodrich Gore Twp Grand Blanc Grand Blanc Twp Grand Rapids Grant Twp Grass Lake Grass Lake Twp Grayling Grayling Twp Green Oak Twp Green Twp Greenleaf Twp Greenwood Twp Grosse Ile Grosse Pointe Grosse Pointe Farms Grosse Pointe Park Grosse Pointe Shores Grosse Pointe Woods Grosse Pte Frms Grosse Pte Park Grosse Pte Shrs Grosse Pte Wds Grout Twp Groveland Groveland Twp Hadley Hadley Twp Hale Hamburg Twp Hamilton Twp Hamtramck Handy Twp Harbor Beach Harbor Springs Harper Woods Harrison Harrison Twp Harrisville Harsens Island Hartland Hartland Twp Hawes Twp Hawks Hay Twp Hayes Twp Hazel Park Hemlock Henderson Henrietta Twp Highland Highland Park Highland Twp Hill Twp Hillsdale Holly Holly Twp Hope Houghton Lake Howell Howell Twp Hudson Hudson Twp Hume Twp Huntington Woods Huron Twp Ida Imlay City Imlay Twp Independence Twp Indianfields Twp Inkster Ionia Iosco Twp Ira Ira Twp Jackson Jasper Jeddo Jerome Juniata Twp Kalamazoo Kalamazoo Twp Kalkaska Kawkawlin Keego Harbor Kenockee Kenockee Twp Kentwood Kewadin Kimball Kimball Twp Kinde Kingston Kingston Twp Koylton Twp La Salle La Salle Twp Laingsburg Lake Lake Angelus Lake City Lake Isabella Lake Orion Lake Twp Lakeport Lambertville Lamotte Twp Lansing Lapeer Lapeer Twp Lathrup Village Lee Twp Leelanau Twp Lennon Lenox Lenox Twp Leonard Leoni Twp Leroy Twp Lewiston Lexington Lexington Heights Lexington Twp Liberty Twp Lima Twp Lincoln Park Lincoln Twp Linden Linwood Livonia Locke Twp Lodi Twp Logan Twp London Twp Loud Twp Ludington Luna Pier Lyndon Twp Lynn Lynn Twp Lyon Twp Mackinac Island Mackinaw City Macomb Macomb Twp Madison Heights Madison Twp Mancelona Mancelona Twp Manchester Manchester Twp Manitou Beach Maple Grove Twp Maple Valley Twp Marathon Twp Marine City Marion Twp Markey Twp Marlette Marlette Twp Marquette Marysville Mason Maybee Mayfield Twp Mayville Mcbain Mckinley Twp Meade Twp Mears Melvin Melvindale Memphis Meridian Twp Merrill Metamora Metamora Twp Midland Milan Milford Milford Twp Millersburg Millington Millington Twp Mills Twp Minden City Moffatt Twp Monroe Monroe Twp Montrose Montrose Twp Morenci Morrice Morton Twp Mount Clemens Mount Morris Mount Pleasant Mt Morris Twp Mundy Twp Mussey Twp New Baltimore New Boston New Haven New Lothrop Newport North Branch North Branch Twp North Street Northfield Northfield Twp Northville Northville Twp Norvell Norvell Twp Novesta Twp Novi Nunda Twp Oak Park Oakland Oakland Twp Oakley Oceola Twp Onsted Orchard Lake Village Oregon Twp Orion Twp Ortonville Oscoda Oscoda Twp Other Otisville Otsego Lake Otsego Lake Twp Ottawa Lake Otter Lake Ovid Owendale Owosso Owosso Twp Oxford Oxford Twp Palms Palmyra Paris Paris Twp Peck Pentland Perrinton Perry Petersburg Petoskey Pigeon Pinckney Pinconning Pinconning Twp Pinnebog Pittsfield Twp Pittsford Plainfield Twp Pleasant Ridge Plymouth Plymouth Twp Pontiac Port Austin Port Austin Twp Port Hope Port Huron Port Huron Twp Port Sanilac Portage Potterville Prescott Prudenville Putnam Twp Quincy Raisin Twp Raisinville Twp Ray Ray Twp Redding Twp Redford Redford Twp Reese Remus Reynolds Twp Rhodes Rich Twp Richfield Richfield Twp Richland Twp Richmond Richmond Twp Riga Riley Riley Center Riley Twp River Rouge River View Riverview Roberts Landing Rochester Rochester Hills Rockwood Romeo Romulus Roscommon Roscommon Twp Rose City Rose Island Rose Twp Roseville Royal Oak Royal Oak Twp Ruby Russell Island Ruth Sage Twp Saginaw Saginaw Twp Saint Charles Saint Clair Saint Clair Shores SAINT CLAIR TWP Saint Helen Saint Louis Salem Salem Twp Saline Saline Twp Sand Creek Sand Point Sandusky Sanford Sanilac Twp Schoolcraft Co Scio Twp Sebewaing Sharon Twp Shelby Shelby Twp Sheridan Twp Sherman Twp Shiawassee Twp Sigel Twp Silverwood Sims Twp Skidway Lake Smiths Creek Snover Somerset Twp Soo Twp South Branch Twp South Lyon South Rockwood Southfield Southgate Speaker Twp Springfield Springfield Twp Spruce Standish Stanwood Star Twp Sterling Heights Stevensville Stockbridge Twp Summit Twp Sumpter Twp Superior Superior Twp Swartz Creek Sylvan Lake Sylvan Twp Tawas City Tawas Twp Taylor Taymouth Twp Tecumseh Temperance Thetford Twp Thompsonville Tipton Traverse City Trenton Troy Tuscola Twp Tyrone Twp Ubly Unadilla Twp Union City Unionville Utica Van Buren Twp Vassar Vassar Twp Venice Twp Vernon Vernon Twp Vicksburg Vienna Twp Wales Wales Twp Walled Lake Warren Washington Washington Twp Waterford Waterford Twp Waterloo Twp Watertown Twp Wayne Webberville Webster Twp Weidman Wells Twp Wellston West Bloomfield West Bloomfield Twp West Branch West Branch Twp West Sumpter Westland Wexford Twp Wheatfield Twp White Lake White Lake Twp White Oak Twp Whitmore Lake Williamston Wilson Twp Wixom Wolverine Wolverine Lake Woodhaven Woodhull Twp Woodstock Twp Worth Worth Twp Wyandotte Yale Yates Twp York Twp Ypsilanti Ypsilanti Twp

Also includes MLS property listings from these MiRealSource and GLR member associations:

  • Detroit Association of REALTORS®
  • Eastern Thumb Association of REALTORS®
  • Lapeer and Upper Thumb Association of REALTORS®
  • Livingston Association of REALTORS®
  • Macomb County Board of REALTORS®
  • Monroe County Association of REALTORS®
  • Saginaw Board of Realtors
  • St. Clair County Association of REALTORS®
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