Use CRM Lead Tags

Updated Friday, February 04, 2022

In the Agent CRM you can create and apply tags to your leads to make tracking, filtering and categorizing your leads easier than ever.

Applying Tags to a Lead

  1. Navigate to a specific Lead’s record page in Control Panel > IDX > Leads.
  2. In the Contact box on the left, locate the field labeled “TAGS” towards the bottom.
  3. Click on the “Enter Tag” field and begin typing in the tag you want to apply to the lead.
  4. You can select a pre-existing tag from the dropdown, or create a new tag by clicking the “+” button to the right.
  5. Once you apply a tag, a grey chip with that tag name with appear under the “TAGS” field.
  6. You can remove a tag from a lead by clicking the “x” button next to the tag name.

Screenshot of Example Lead Tags

Filtering/Searching Leads by Tag

You can go to the Lead Search page and filter your leads based on tags.

  1. Navigate to Control Panel > IDX > Leads > Search Leads.
  2. Click the “FILTERS” button in the upper-right to open the Filter options.
  3. Select one or more tags by checking a tag that appears on the right side of the Filter options screen. Only tags that have been applied to 1 or more leads will appear on the Filter options screen.
  4. Click “VIEW RESULTS” to see all leads that match all the selected tags.

On the “Lead Search” screen, you can view tags applied to leads in the “Tags” column. Click on chips with “...” to expand to reveal hidden tags.

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